When parents leave their children in your care, they expect a level of security above and beyond that of any other commercial enterprise. In fact, with children being the most precious and important (yet vulnerable) ‘investment’ to society, the systems protecting our children should really be more robust and secure than those protecting any financial institute! Obviously, you cannot lock your clients’ offspring in a bank vault, but you get the point – the quality of the security in a child care centre should never be something that is compromised!
So, just how secure is your child care centre?
At the very least, your child care centre should be monitored by security cameras at all times and in all areas. The importance of this is made heartbreakingly clear when you look at recent events in the news. Just in the twelve months preceding the writing of this page, there have been several incidents in child care centres that could have been prevented with a good security system. These include:
- A serious child abuse case in Durack, near Brisbane
- The death of a five-month old, also near Brisbane (Moorooka)
- The near-drowning of a toddler at a home daycare, Carramar, WA
- The vandalism at an early learning centre in North Rockhampton, QLD
- And even the theft of beloved pets from a child care centre in Bokarina on the Sunshine Coast, QLD!
Monitored security cameras would no doubt have prevented all of these incidents, or at the least, brought perpetrators to justice. The ability to view all areas at all times also:
- Prevents events leading to accidents (i.e., being able to see a child attempting to climb something in a dangerous manner, then being able to reach them before they fall),
- Allows medical risks to be noticed and attended to (SIDS, for instance),
- Allows you to keep an eye on children at all times (to prevent wandering, bullying e.t.c.)
- Prevents abduction or unauthorised contact
- Promotes accountability of employees
- Prevents theft or robbery
- Increases safety for employees
- Alerts to emergency events, such as fire
It also reduces the chance of being targeted for crime in the first place, as criminals avoid businesses with security systems. With equipment like monitored police-grade CCTV cameras, fully-secured entranceway and window locks, burglar and smoke alarm systems, secure login processes, mass-communication systems, security signage and similar, we have you covered for all of the physical security aspects, but beyond that, we offer so much more.
Crime prevention and safety education
We don’t just hook up your security systems, then leave you in the dark – we ensure that you’re fully armed with the knowledge required to keep your business as secure as it can possibly be. From the moment of first contact – where we work with you to tailor a security solution that will meet your needs and budget – we keep you informed about what we can and will do to protect your child care. We perform a comprehensive security risk assessment that will let you know your security strengths and weaknesses. We then determine your needs and provide you with a security plan.
After installation, we educate you on procedures and protocols that will best match your individual needs. This may include teaching you how to perform identity checks, procedures for crisis situations and processes for identifying and responding to suspicious activity, among others.
We are locals and we care!
That’s right – we want the best for your business because we are locals ourselves and may even be installing systems in the child care centres our own children attend! We are an ASIAL A Graded and Five Diamond Certified monitoring provider, so you can rest assured you’re in the best of hands; however, we still offer reasonable pricing for our systems and 24-hour monitoring service.
Our customers are extremely valuable to us, so we will do whatever it takes to make your security assessment, installation, education and monitoring a quick, easy and pleasant experience. Contact us or fill out our initial security self-assessment to get the ball rolling and we will be in touch to help you solve all of your security concerns.